
Showing posts from July, 2022


Mom's been extra hoverey since the whole thing with the Rainers. Like, I get it I have issues and it worries her.  ...But it feels so demeaning sometimes. I can't go anywhere by myself now and I haven't left the house in days, and there's literally nothing to do here except scroll endlessly on my phone and play stupid games like Solitaire.  I hate it so much. I hate that I have these problems and I hate that no one can understand that I am still a person and that I can make my own decisions. I really want to continue with this investigation but at this point...who knows if I'll be able to. Henny and my parents are obviously in cahoots, which means Penumbra is probably in on it too, and Payton...well Payton will probably be shot on sight by my parents if she comes near me.  It feels so hopeless. I'll never find out what's in the woods or what makes this place so weird. All those people will have died for nothing.

What in the actual fuck

So uh...I guess first things first I should apologize for that last post I made. Well, I won't apologize to Payton cause she's an asshole but I'll apologize to everyone else. I was...not really coherent at the time. Magic brainwashing water will do that to you.  Speaking of water, I'm sure one of the other two told you all but things sort of came to a head with the Rainers. Bad news is they are not responsible for whatever the fuck I saw on Memorial Day weekend. The good news is I do know a little more about this place.  Anyways, I tried what Theo suggested and took my own water to work with me, but turns out Thomas and Jed were stealing my water bottle and filling it with infected water while I wasn't looking so it didn't help, unfortunately. By the time I figured that out, it was far too late.  I honestly don't remember much of what happened next, aside from being by the river and then Thomas pushing my head underwater. THAT sure as hell woke me up. Unfort...

Fuck This

I hate this. I fucking hate this. Everyone can tell that I'm feeling off and I can't fucking stand their pitying looks. Everyone keeps offering to help me with shit and I'm going to start chopping the fingers off of every single person that reaches out to help me up steps or offers to help me carry dishes to the dish room at work. Fuck this, fuck Payton, fuck everyone in this stupid fucking town. I'm not fucking helpless.

Another Update

Sorry I haven't been updating you guys very much. I've been feeling off lately.  I feel...groggy I guess is a good word for it. Like I can't quite focus on certain things. And I've been so, so thirsty. Luckily at work they let you take as many water breaks as you need. Thomas says staying hydrated is extremely important. 


So uh, Payton sent me this image and just told me to post it. No idea how she got my phone number, or even what this is, but apparently she wanted all of you to see it. I almost didn't post it out of spite because of how unhelpful she's been, but I also wanted to document how fucking weird she's being and I need the evidence out there of her weirdness. So, picture posting it is. In other news, apparently Penumbra the radio guy is on vacation or something? Honestly, I liked him better than Henny or whatever his name is. I get weird cryptic stuff from him just off the wall shit that he must be making up, like ritual sacrifices at the church and weird things like that. I can put up with the cryptic stuff because Penumbra is probably genuinely crazy, but Henny just sounds like a jackass having some laughs. Is everyone that works there some flavor of super fucking weird?

4th of July

Sorry for the late update. I know I said I would recap my first day working for the Rainers but it was super boring, just prep for the 4th. I had to work the 4th and I never, *ever* want to work that again. I didn't know that many people could even get into this place, let alone disappear by morning, hopefully back to their homes.  Speaking of the 4th, there were SO MANY FREAKING FIREWORKS. Which, honestly, is normal but my family never really goes to the actual celebration because it gets insane. Thomas Rainer and his brother Jeremiah (they call him Jed though) walked out after work with like three armfuls of fireworks, which was impressive since there were only two of them. Jed is a gigantic man though so he can carry a lot.  Weird thing is...they went into the forest to shoot all their stuff off, which you really aren't supposed to do. Not just because of fire danger...but because people tend to end up like...extremely mangled and dead when they do. They also like, said...