Payton Visited
I've been really sick again, so I didn't get A chance to tell you all this, but I saw Payton again. She showed up at my doorstep one day while my dad was Busy in the backyard and I was able to Smuggle her into my room.
She was...a lOt nicer than usual. She seemed almost sad when I asked her if she'd seen Henny at aLl, and she just shrUgged and said she hadn't. After that we just talked, really. I asked her abouT the church and stuff and she said they were actually really nIce, Silas is just a bit weird. Which...yeah, no shit.
It's a little hard for me tO focus right now, but I just waNted to tell you all that she's okay.
Mbqpp nam quusuv tmg'b optvszws uir? Jhbl wq qx'ds oeff kcigo huit ovzfx bwze? Ogh ei fmbgipf Gtfta hnllabr uuwig mz kwnegmgf...wish tz mpsl cbf onnnizyy dmfp gx? Q heutl Dlsmwb. Fhf kogyw um yigw oqnxz oyl. Nsmmy B avbumv uz nh wbr og lvp wacfph nwsecgog. Wutl hz cgdsftjyoey. Gwhuioy azlx.
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