Explanation (sort of)

Hey, everyone. Sorry it's taken me so long to post again. My connection is still super spotty and I can't figure out why. Hopefully this post goes through.  

As for what actually happened? I'm not 100% sure on that to be honest. It's happened before, I think, or at least something happens around this time every year. My parents sheltered me from it until now. As far as I can tell (I locked my dad in the house and found a good vantage point to try and see what was going on. He caught me eventually though.), there was a massive fire. It took out all of Winter Hollow from the look of the plume of smoke I saw. 

...But the weird thing is everything in town is fine. All of the buildings are still standing. I'm also seeing a lot more of the Winter Hollow residents out and about, people I haven't seen in months. Even weirder, I haven't seen much of the normal wildlife, nor have there been any weird announcements from the radio host. Not that the wildlife going missing is all that bad, considering the damage the deer and the mountain lions do, but it's all really weird and it's freaking me out. 

Silas would probably know what's happening, but he's been extremely busy with church things, so I haven't seen him around.
