I'm scared

I don't know what to say, not gonna lie. Things are rapidly exploding around me and everything is falling apart. My mom is missing, my memory lapses are getting worse, Henny and Payton are still AWOL...I feel like I can't trust anyone. Not even you guys. Silas keeps telling me I need to stop posting here but...I don't know. He's probably right but something still doesn't feel right. People are still going missing and Silas won't answer any more of my questions. 

I...also realized I never told you guys what Silas told me when we first met. All of the answers I got before everything went to shit. I'm not sure I should now, but I might anyways. If you guys want me to. 


  1. Silas is manipulating you. Please, stop talking to him. Remember Henny told us to warn you? I'm not gonna lie and say everything's going to be okay, because nobody knows that for sure, but all we can do right now is try to figure shit out.


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