Discord Server

So, Theo made a Discord to collect clues and help out with the investigation. I only just learned what Discord is and it looks confusing so I don't think I'll join, but I wanted to share it in a post for any other watchers that might want to join who didn't see the conversation. I'll include the link Theo shared, but Google says the links expire sometimes (???) so if it is expired, comment here and maybe someone can help with that. 



  1. If the link expires and anyone needs a link, comment here and I'll send you a new one.

    1. hey I tried to use the link to join the discord, but it says it expired. Can I get a link to a new invite, please?

    2. I'm not Theo, but I am in the Discord server and can share links for it, so try this one, Kaya: https://discord.gg/JM7HHruWn5


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